Sunday 21 February 2016

League of Legends Retrospective- a brief look at character design

"The thing that really defines League of Legends from a character perspective is the diversity of characters [they] really strive to have a range of unique and thematically differentiated but extremely exciting characters." "They only things [they] try to avoid is cliche, [people] are going to see a bunch of unusual takes on what the mage means, [people] are not going to see the typical bearded wizard running around with a staff..."

Edmundo Sanchez describes the character design as iconic, memorable and easily recognisable.

"Character needs to have a really central theme, you have to... look at a character and almost be able to know just from the splash image what it's abilities are going to be what it's going to do in the game, how its going to function, what role it's going to play."

The elements of character art, such as the look, the backstory, the way they play, really bring the character to life and create something complete.

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