Tuesday 6 October 2015

Trying out something new- inspiration from songs

I asked a friend the other day where he gets his inspiration from and he recommended that I look at songs to get inspiration. So I was listening to a song today, 'Goodbye' by Slipknot (lyrics http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/slipknot/goodbye.html) and there was a line that inspired me. The line is "how can we know where we are if the sun is behind us?"

Below is the general process of the drawing: 

In terms of a character design, this is very boring, I could now think of how to make it more interesting for a shadow figure. However, I like the glow and could maybe work on it more to make it more elaborate. Overall I am happy with it but it is a bit more on the simple, boring side. 

Another thing that inspired me to try out other ways of finding creativity, was discovering Chiara Bautista's artwork. Her art is so full of emotion and conveys themes and stories well with few words. I would love for my artwork to have more meaning, and not for me to just draw or paint for the sake of it to fulfill a job or something like that, but to have some deeper meaning behind it. Even if I am just drawing characters, I can still convey some meaning, whether it's in the clothing they wear, symbolism, or the emotions they portray. Chiara's work has really touched me and I find it absolutely incredible and unique, as, so far, I have yet to come across any similar work that has made such a profound impact on me.

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