Monday 21 March 2016

Analysis of existing characters in games

Soul Calibur:

Below are two images of the character creation promo art. All the characters are posed in the same way, however it is evident due to their clothing what kind of class or what kind of lifestyle the character may have. For example, in the second image, you can clearly see that two of the characters have some sort of wizard background due to the hats they wear. A woman is some sort of knight, due to her armour and lance. The man next to her is some kind of dancer/ jester character, as indicated by his tambourines and clothing. Then there are more traditional looking costumes, such as the two on the far left and one on the far right. It is interesting to see, that none of these characters show much personality, either through their pose or facial expression, yet there is a suggestion of character despite this, indicated by their clothing. All the characters look incredibly different from each other despite the same pose. It goes to show the power of a different costume design, showing that completely different clothing and hairstyles can produce a completely new character. This can also be seen in character skins in MOBAs, now that I think about it.

Below is a compilation of different skins for the character Leblanc from League of Legends. Some skins are so different from the original art, as can be seen below, the first on the left is the original skin. The skin on the bottom right looks like a completely different character in my opinion, however, the only way to really tell that it's the same character is the pose and the staff. It goes to show that the way a character holds themselves can carry a lot of importance in suggesting who they are. The same goes for people in real life, when you think of your friends or family, even if you can't really see them clearly, you can tell who they are just by the way they walk or hold themselves. 

Below are the splash arts of the above 3D models, in the same order. 

Below are splash arts from another character from League of Legends, Annie.

Although Annie's skins differ greatly, due to different costumes, hair colour and hair styles, she still remains the only little girl in the game. This, along with her ever-present teddy bear that she holds, aid in identifying her. As I discovered before, having one or two objects or accessories can be a great aid in establishing a character and making them easily recognisable, as it becomes a character trait.

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